Sodium fluoride

Molecular Formula:NaF
CAS NO.: 7681-49-4
Molecular Weight:41.99
Property:Shiny colorless crystal or white powder, belongs to tetragonal crystal system with hexahedral and octahedral crystal; soluble in water but slightly soluble in alcohol ; aqueous alkaline, corrode to the glass. Dissolved in hydrofluoric acid to form hydrogen fluoride sodium; toxic and corrosive to the skin, harm to the mucous membrane, affect the nervous system. Relative density 2.558, melting point 993 ℃, boiling point of 1704 ℃.

Impurity name


Assay (NaF)

98% min.

Free acid ((HF)    

0.1% max.

Free alkali ((Na2CO3)

0.5% max.

Sulphate (SO4)

0.3% max.

Silica (SiO2)

0.5% max.

Moisture (H2O)

0.5% max.

Usage:Wood preservative, brewing fungicide, agricultural pesticides (must be color blue), medical preservatives, welding auxiliary solvent and fluoridation treatment agent for drinking water, and fluoride metallurgy cosolvent, in manufacturing of other fluoride materials.
Packing :25KGS compound bag, 25KGS plastic woven bag.
Caution at transportation:Must be kept from moisture.
Hazardous details:Inorganic toxicant , UN No.:1690 , Class: 6.1 , Packing group: III

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