Ammonium Bifluoride

Molecular Formula:NH4HF2
CAS NO.: 1341-49-7
Molecular Weight:57.05
Property:White transparent crystal, slightly sour, easy deliquescence in air. Slightly soluble in alcohol but easily soluble in cold water and decomposition in hot water; strongly acidic aqueous solution, sublimate under high temperature; corrosion to glass.

Impurity name


Assay (NH4HF2)

98.5% max.

Loss on drying (H2O)

0.4% max.

Sulfate (SO4)

0.05% max.

Ammonium fluosilicate (NH4)2SiF6

0.5% max.

Residue on Ignition

0.1% max.

Usage:Used for chemical reagent, glass etching agent, disinfectant and preservative fermentation industry, from beryllium oxide metal beryllium, surface treating agent of silicon steel sheet.
Packing :25KGS plastic woven bag,25KGS compound bag. 
Caution at transportation:Must be kept from moisture.
Hazardous details: Inorganic acidic corrosive , UN No.:1727 , Class: 8 , Packing group: II

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