Zinc Fluorosilicate

Molecular Formula:ZnSiF6.6H2O 
CAS NO.:16871-71-9
Molecular Weight:315.54 
Property:White hexagonal crystal, easily soluble in water and soluble in mineral acids ; four silicon fluoride, zinc fluoride and water decomposed at melting point after pyrolysis,

Impurity name


Assay (ZnSiF6.6H2O)

98% min.

Water-insoluble matter (ZnF6、SiO2 and so on)

0.25% max.

Zinc sulfate (ZnSO4.7H2O)

0.5% max.

Moisture (H2O)

0.6% max.

Usage:Concrete hardener, detergent, mothproofing agent and preservative, strengthening agent of plaster of Paris, the dielectric of polyester catalysts and dielectric bath of zinc etc.
Packing :25KGS compound bag 
Caution at transportation:Must be kept from moisture.
Hazardous details:Inorganic toxicant , UN No.:2855 , Class: 6.1 , Packing group: Ⅲ

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